Photo Gallery
Passionate Stitchers finished out our first year by sending a total of 150 quilts. We sent 24 quilts for the month of January, 2011 and are very proud of the current display of 54 quilts. The progress these ladies have made is awesome. From where we were 18 months ago to where we are now is unbelievable.

We have created a Memorial quilt that will stay in the parish. Passionate Stitchers will display it each time we have a quilt showing. If you would like a friend or loved one remembered on the quilt just let us know. We will get the pertinent information from you and embroider it on a fabric square that will be sewn onto the quilt. When this quilt is full we will start on another. The military connection is so strong in this community it is a perfect way to pay tribute to our service men and women. Your donation will help us to continue our ministry to the active military as well as honor the past. God Bless the USA !!!!!!!